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Extra-curricular Activities - Buddy Program

Prep and Year 5

A buddy system is in place to assist new Prep students to settle into the school routine in a caring and supportive way. The children are introduced to their Year 5 buddies during Transition activities in Term 4. The buddies are available during the first few weeks of Term 1 to assist the Prep students with finding friends to play with and generally providing support.

This friendship continues throughout the year – on a number of occasions, the Prep and Year 5 students participate in designated ‘buddy’ activities.

Year 6 and Year 1

Year 6 students have Year 1 students as buddies and have the opportunity to share several special activities during the year.

Peer Buddies and New Students

Each new student is paired with a peer buddy to help them feel comfortable during the first weeks at Beaumaris North North Primary School.

Prep Parent Buddy Program

New Prep parents are assigned a buddy (an existing BNPS parent with a child starting in Prep) to make new parents feel supported and welcome.