Extra-curricular Activities - Premiers' Reading Challenge
Beaumaris North Primary School participates in the annual Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (PRC) to promote the importance of reading among students in Victorian schools and to encourage families and parents to be more involved with supporting children’s reading, in and beyond school.
All BNPS students in Years 3 to 6 are expected to participate in the Challenge and read 15 books (10 of which need to be from the reading list supplied on the PRC website) between March and start of August.
Parents of Year 1 and 2 students who wish to participate will be allocated an individual user name with a generic password by the school, but will need to manage their child’s account independently. The Year 1 and 2 students need to read 30 PICTURE books (20 from the reading list).
Students and their parents can manage their own reading records online from any internet connection such as home or a public library. Students have the opportunity to access the website at school to manage their records.
Students who meet the Challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement and can have their name published online.
For more information, please see the official PRC website at www.education.vic.gov.au/prc