Student wellbeing is integral to teaching and learning in the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Victorian Curriculum and is exemplified in the PYP Learner Profile which permeates the programme and represents the qualities of internationally minded students and effective lifelong learners, thereby equipping students for a challenging world.
Whole School Approach to Wellbeing
At Beaumaris North Primary School, we use a range of programs and strategies to encourage respectful relationships and promote positive connection. We adopt a Whole School Behaviour Management approach which is shared with our students and ensures Beaumaris North Primary School is a place students feel safe, valued and respected.
Beaumaris North Primary School has whole school wellbeing strategies and programs for students, staff and parents. Together these strategies create a harmonious, respectful and supportive school environment for all community members. We also understand that some students require targeted and individualised wellbeing support and strategies, in the way of Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and Behaviour Support Plans.
Approaches to wellbeing:
- PYP IB Learner Profile Attributes
- Child Safe Organisation
- The Zones of Regulation
- The Resilience Project Curriculum
- Respectful Relationships Curriculum
- Therapy Dogs
- eSmart Framework
- Cyber Safety Project Curriculum
- Circle Time
- Restorative Practices
- Lunch Time Clubs
- Individual Education Plans (IEP’s)
- The Bungalow “Chill out zone”
- Behaviour Support Plans
- Student Behaviour Reflection Sheet
- Compass Chronicle entry for reporting and monitoring student behaviour
PYP IB Learner Profile Attributes
Students develop an understanding of the IB Learner Profile attributes that make great learners. Our whole learning community plays an important role in developing, valuing, appreciating and demonstrating these attributes in action. The IB Learner Profile represents the attributes valued by IB World Schools. Please refer here for more information on our Learner Profile.

Child Safe Organisation
Beaumaris North Primary School’s Child Safety Policy sets out the school’s commitment and approach to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and provides the policy framework for the school’s approach to the Child Safe Standards. Please click here to view our policies: Child Safety – BNPS (beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au)
The Zones of Regulation
Across the school we have introduced the Zones of Regulation approach to encourage students to develop the skills to regulate their emotions. This approach to wellbeing supports the students developing their understanding of how they look, feel or act, what they need to do and what helps them to respond to different feelings and emotions in the body. Our staff support students to identify feelings and responses in the body and developing strategies to help them to bring themselves back to a state of calm in the “green zone”. More information can be found here: THE ZONES OF REGULATION: A SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING PATHWAY TO REGULATION – Welcome
The Resilience Project Curriculum
In the classroom, our students engage in social and emotional learning curriculum through their participation in the Resilience Project. The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. The Resilience Project focuses on four key strategies: Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy. More information can be found: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/

Respectful Relationships Curriculum
At Beaumaris North Primary School (BNPS), we are implementing the Respectful Relationship Initiative, it is a whole school approach to modelling and promoting respectful attitudes and behaviours, promoting gender equality, and preventing violence against woman.

The initiative follows recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence which recognises schools as key settings to focus on prevention and create positive change. At BNPS, we are working towards providing opportune environments where positive attitudes and behaviours can be modelled, shaped and transformed, and where limiting gender stereotypes and gender-based discrimination can be challenged and addressed. Over time, these efforts can generate a positive cultural shift and lead to a new (and better) story for the next generation.
Click here for more information from the Victorian Government website.
Therapy Dogs
Trained Therapy dog(s) are part of our wellbeing and engagement approach at BNPS.
In 2022, we welcome our trained Therapy Dog, Wally.
In March this year, Bonnie and Ziggy graduated from the ‘K9 Support Therapy Dog Training’ and have since been inducted to BNPS as our newest staff members. They have been involved in our daily classroom activities and ‘walk and talk’ sessions with individual students and small groups. Both Bonnie and Ziggy are looking forward to continuing to support our students and staff as they settle into their roles.
Bullying Prevention
As part of our commitment to Bullying Prevention, we encourage our students to develop an understanding of what it means to be a ‘Great Mate’ and what a respectful relationship looks like. We teach students what constitutes bullying and how to respond to bullying behaviour assertively through role plays and social scenarios. This promotes resilience, assertiveness, conflict resolution and problem solving. We discuss strategies and safe adults to talk to if they are feeling unhappy or unsafe. Please refer here for more information on our Bullying Prevention Policy.
eSmart Framework
Our eSmart Framework provides a guiding framework for schools to promote smart, safe and responsible use of digital technologies. eSmart aims to help teachers, students and the whole school community embrace the benefits of technology and reduce exposure to cyber safe risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, online predators and inappropriate images and content.
Cyber Safety Project Curriculum
Our students participate in the Cyber Safety Project Curriculum. The Cyber Safety Project’s mission is to provide a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using digital technologies for work, life and play. The educational programs and proactive teaching strategies engage the whole community with learning how to participate safety and responsibly in a digitally-engaged world. Click here for more information.
Restorative Practices
We adopt a Restorative Practices approach to conflict resolution which is intended to move the focus away from a punitive consequence that is based on the establishment of wrongdoing. Rather it seeks to value and support those involved so that they feel empowered to take positive action to address the situation and move forward. Restorative Practice is about being respectful of every member of our school community, encouraging responsible behaviour and actions and ensuring that personal pride and dignity are maintained.
Lunch Time Clubs
Lunch Clubs provide an opportunity for our students who may feel overwhelmed in the yard or who may require more structured and supported play experiences, to attend and build connections with other staff and students in our BNPS community. The Bungalow “Chill Out” Zone has been utilised as a space for students to access during some lunch times if they want to participate in quiet activities outside of the yard, or in warmer times, outdoor play. We also offer Library, Drawing and Lego play for our younger students. In the past of had a range of Speciality Lunch Clubs, for example, Mandala Art Class, Chess Club, Maths Club, Japanese MANGA Anime Drawing Club, Media Club and Fitness Club.
Meet Our Wellbeing Team
Sheridan Duffy-Fainu’u – Wellbeing and Inclusion Officer
Lauren Lowers - Respectful Relationships
Respectful Relationships, Restorative Practices & Behaviour Support
The Respectful Relationships Education Program is a primary prevention initiative focused on influencing behaviour change to prevent social issues such as domestic and family violence. It aims to promote healthy, safe, and respectful relationships from Prep to Year 12 and is aligned with the Australian Curriculum. It provides resources, tools, and guidance for teachers, students, and parents. Restorative Practice is the approach we use when dealing with any incident in our school. Restorative Practices are innovative ways to build safe, respectful, and caring communities whilst supporting students to take responsibility for their actions.
See: https://beaumarisnorthps.vic.
Student Wellbeing & Engagement Policy
This very important document underpins all of our strategies for managing student wellbeing including the rights and responsibilities of staff, students and parents.
See: https://beaumarisnorthps.vic.
Wellbeing/Inclusion Officer
We employ a Wellbeing/Inclusion Officer to ensure there is a cohesive approach to the mental health and wellbeing of all students and staff at BNPS, as well as opening opportunities for the students connectiveness to their peers, school community and the curriculum. There are a multitude of programs and interventions that are offered at BNPS, including Lego Club (which focuses on developing communication and social skills), a variety of lunch clubs and Engagement Boxes that promote cooperative play opportunities. The school also has a partnership with a local Paediatric Occupational Therapist who sees individual students in our sensory space known as the Bungalow.
See: https://beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au/curriculum/wellbeing/.
BNPS Approach To Wellbeing
What to do if I have a health and wellbeing concern for my child or family?
- All the staff, teaching and non-teaching, are committed to looking after the health and wellbeing of the children and we believe that the health and wellbeing of your child should be prioritised.
- As always, if you have wellbeing concerns, your first point of call is always your child’s teacher who has a range of skills and strategies to implement to promote wellbeing. Your child’s teacher will then be able to determine if any external support is required for your child to continue to thrive and grow. If appropriate the teacher will also talk to others on the wellbeing team to gain further advice to support you.