Compass is our school management system for parents, staff and students.
The Parent Portal allows parents to:
- Access a daily News Feed
- Provide online consent and payment for excursions and incursions
- Report absences
- View the School Calendar
- Access school documents
- Update email address and mobile number
- View Semester Reports
- View ‘Learning Task’ feedback
- Book Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Monitor Attendance
- Complete various agreements
Please be assured that Compass uses technology that is encrypted and secure.
Compass is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) via a desktop computer or mobile device. iOS and Android apps are also available (search for Compass School Manager in the App Store). Some of the features of Compass are only available in the ‘browser’ version e.g. booking interviews, viewing the School Calendar by week/month, accessing ‘School Documentation’ and Learning Task Rubrics. If however you tap on the menu icon in the app, there is an option to ‘Open in Browser’.
To access Compas via your web browser on a desktop computer or mobile device:
- Go to https://beaumarisnorthps-vic.compass.education/ (link available on the BNPS homepage)
To access Compass via the App:
- Download the ‘Compass School Manager’ app and follow the prompts.
Please email beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au

Frequently Asked Questions
Absences must be reported via the Compass Parent Portal on the day of absence (early in the morning or ahead of time where possible) – click below for instructions.
- Via your desktop computer (or mobile device browser)
- Via the app – an ‘Add Attendance Note’ link is now available in the app at the top of the News Feed.
This is done via the Kiosk at the Office when they arrive late or leave early.
If you do not enter an approval note advising us that your child will be late and your child arrives at school after 11.30am, you will receive an ‘Attendance Notification: Student Unaccounted For’ email asking you to enter an approval note on Compass.
If you receive an email or an alert at the top of your News Feed regarding an ‘unexplained absence’, it means that your child has been marked ‘Not Present’ but a reason for the absence has not been provided in Compass. It is a Department of Education and Training (DET) requirement that we have a reason for EVERY day a student is absent.
To enter an approval note for an ‘unexplained absence’:
- Click on the attendance alert at the top of your News Feed (browser version of Compass only).
- Select the ‘unexplained absence’ you wish to approve and then click on the ‘Explain with Note/Approval’ button (above ‘Activity Name’).
- Enter the reason for the absence and click on ‘Save’.
Alternatively you can enter an approval note in the usual manner via the app or browser by changing the default ‘Start’ and ‘End’ dates to cover the date/s that are ‘unexplained’.
If you believe there is an error on your child’s attendance record or require assistance please email beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Please note that approval notes for full-day absences should be entered on the day of absence or ahead of time where possible.
Parents cannot edit or delete approvals once they have been entered into Compass – please contact the school Office if an approval note has been entered in error.
News Feed
The News Feed (My News) will appear (on the right-hand side of the screen) as soon as you log into the browser version of Compass. You can return to this page at any time by clicking on the ‘Home’ image in the tool bar at the top of the screen.
The News Feed appears on the ‘Home’ screen of the app (under the photo of your child/ren).
Logging in and out of the app will fix this issue. To log out, choose ‘Switch Accounts’ from the menu and then press and hold on the account displayed. A pop-up box will appear prompting you to remove the account. To log back in, click the “+” button to add your account.
When you tap on an attachment in the Compass app, a ‘radio’ button (circle) appears to the right indicating that the file is in the process of opening/downloading – it will then open automatically. If you tap on the radio button while it is in the process of opening, a ‘download’ error will occur.
Online Consent/Payment
When an event requires consent/payment, an alert will appear at the top of the News Feed – click on the alert and follow the prompts.
IF NECESSARY, you can enter any additional/current information and different Parent/Guardian contact details before you ‘Submit Details’.
If payment is required for a specific event/excursion, a payment section will appear for you to enter your credit card details – payment AND consent will then be processed in the one action and a receipt will be emailed to you.
If consent/payment is NOT received by the due date, you will no longer be able to provide online consent/payment and your child will be unable to participate/attend.
You can view your child’s events at any time by hovering over the Organisation menu (grid icon) in the Compass navigation bar and selecting ‘Events’ – direct link: https://beaumarisnorthps-vic.compass.education/Organise/Activities/Events/
The green ‘Complete [See Details]’ button on the ‘Events’ page indicates that you have provided consent/payment for a particular event. If you click on the blue title of the ‘Event’ (left-hand column), the details of the event are revealed along with any attachments in the ‘Resources’ section at the bottom of the screen.
Learning Tasks
You will be notified via the Compass News Feed when feedback on a ‘Learning Task’ is available.
To access via your BROWSER (on your desktop computer or mobile device):
- Login to Compass and click on ‘Profile – Attendance, Schedule, Reports’ (next to your child’s photo).
- Click on the ‘Learning Tasks’ tab.
- Click on the appropriate task and select the ‘FEEDBACK’ tab.
To access via the Compass APP:
- Open the app and tap on your child’s name/photo (top of the ‘Home’ screen).
- Tap on ‘Tasks’ (in the task bar at the top of the screen).
- Tap on the appropriate task and select the ‘FEEDBACK’ tab.
The date Learning Task Feedback is made available will appear after the name of the Learning Task as follows:
Mathematics: Measurement and Geometry – 28/07/2017
If there is no date at the end of the Learning Task name, feedback is not yet available and the task has simply been listed for your information.
Learning Tasks appear in the order they were created within each subject and subjects are listed in alphabetical order.
Semester Reports
Click on ‘View Academic Reports’ from the homepage (browser version) or tap on your child’s photo in the app, select the ‘Reports’ tab and then the report you wish to view/download.
Via your BROWSER (on your desktop computer or mobile device):
- Click on ‘View Academic Reports’ (from the homepage).
- Click on the appropriate Report and then ‘OK’ and wait for it to appear (this may take a minute or so).
- Click on ‘open’ (or ‘save’) and then print as per any PDF.
Via the Compass APP:
- Tap on your child’s photo and select the ‘Reports’ tab.
- Tap on the appropriate Report and wait for it to appear (this may take a minute or so).
- Tap on the ‘send to’ icon and select ‘Print’ or ‘iCloud Drive’ etc.
School Calendar
To view the School Calendar (by day, week or month) access the browser version of Compass. From the Main Menu (tool bar at the top of the screen), select the ‘Calendar’ image (next to the ‘Home’ image).
- If you ‘hover’ over a calendar entry, more information is revealed e.g. venue.
- Click on the colour-coded tabs to hide/reveal layers in the calendar.
- The calendar can be viewed by ‘week’ or ‘month’ – just click on your preference (top right of the screen).
- Items that appear at the top of the calendar are either ‘all day’ events or times are yet to be confirmed.
The daily School Calendar for your child/year level can be accessed via the app by tapping on your child’s photo to reveal the ‘Dashboard’. Tap on the calendar button (bottom of the screen) to change the date as required if you would like to look ahead!
- If you tap on the menu icon in the app, there is an option to ‘Open in Browser’ which will enable you to view the School Calendar by week or month.
9.00AM – Start of the school day
06GEN – Year 6, General
06B – Class 6B
SLC2 – Student Learning Centre, Room 2
BAD – First 3 letters of the teacher’s surname
This information is used for roll marking purposes (in Secondary Schools it is used more specifically to indicate different periods).
In the Calendar Module (accessed from the tool bar at the top of the screen in the browser version of Compass), you can click on your child/ren’s name to hide this information for easier viewing of school events/activities.
Parent-Teacher Interview Bookings
When ‘Meet & Greet’ opportunities and Parent-Teacher Interviews are available for booking, you will be notified via email and instructions will be posted to the Compass News Feed.
Login details are emailed to new families once they have enrolled at BNPS. If you have not received your Login Details, please email:
All student photos are updated annually following School Photo day. Your child’s photo will not appear if your child was not present for School Photos or if your child is in Prep and school photos haven’t been taken/received.
Upon first log in you will be prompted to update this information. You can update this information at any time by accessing Tools (cog at the top right of the screen) > Update My Details (only available in the browser version).
Yes, go to: Settings (for your device) > Notifications > Compass and make sure that ‘Notifications’ are turned on. If ‘Notifications’ are turned on but push notifications are not coming through, delete the Compass app and then reinstall (search ‘Compass School Manager’).
To log out, choose ‘Switch Accounts’ from the menu and then press and hold on the account displayed. A pop-up box will appear prompting you to remove the account. To log back in, click the “+” button to add your account.
In the browser version of Compass, click on the cog (top right) > Change My Password.
Please email beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au to request a password reset.
Parent Information
Compass is our school management system for parents, staff and students.

The Parent Portal allows parents to:
- Access a daily News Feed
- Provide online consent and payment for excursions and incursions
- Report absences
- View the School Calendar
- Access school documents
- Update email address and mobile number
- View Semester Reports
- View ‘Learning Task’ feedback
- Book Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Monitor Attendance
- Complete various agreements
Please be assured that Compass uses technology that is encrypted and secure.
Compass is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) via a desktop computer or mobile device. iOS and Android apps are also available (search for Compass School Manager in the App Store). Some of the features of Compass are only available in the ‘browser’ version e.g. booking interviews, viewing the School Calendar by week/month, accessing ‘School Documentation’ and Learning Task Rubrics. If however you tap on the menu icon in the app, there is an option to ‘Open in Browser’.
To access Compas via your web browser on a desktop computer or mobile device:
- Go to https://beaumarisnorthps-vic.compass.education/ (link available on the BNPS homepage)
To access Compass via the App:
- Download the ‘Compass School Manager’ app and follow the prompts.
Please email beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Frequently Asked Questions
Absences must be reported via the Compass Parent Portal on the day of absence (early in the morning or ahead of time where possible) – click below for instructions.
- Via your desktop computer (or mobile device browser)
- Via the app – an ‘Add Attendance Note’ link is now available in the app at the top of the News Feed.
This is done via the Kiosk at the Office when they arrive late or leave early.
If you do not enter an approval note advising us that your child will be late and your child arrives at school after 11.30am, you will receive an ‘Attendance Notification: Student Unaccounted For’ email asking you to enter an approval note on Compass.
If you receive an email or an alert at the top of your News Feed regarding an ‘unexplained absence’, it means that your child has been marked ‘Not Present’ but a reason for the absence has not been provided in Compass. It is a Department of Education and Training (DET) requirement that we have a reason for EVERY day a student is absent.
To enter an approval note for an ‘unexplained absence’:
- Click on the attendance alert at the top of your News Feed (browser version of Compass only).
- Select the ‘unexplained absence’ you wish to approve and then click on the ‘Explain with Note/Approval’ button (above ‘Activity Name’).
- Enter the reason for the absence and click on ‘Save’.
Alternatively you can enter an approval note in the usual manner via the app or browser by changing the default ‘Start’ and ‘End’ dates to cover the date/s that are ‘unexplained’.
If you believe there is an error on your child’s attendance record or require assistance please email beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Please note that approval notes for full-day absences should be entered on the day of absence or ahead of time where possible.
Parents cannot edit or delete approvals once they have been entered into Compass – please contact the school Office if an approval note has been entered in error.
News Feed
The News Feed (My News) will appear (on the right-hand side of the screen) as soon as you log into the browser version of Compass. You can return to this page at any time by clicking on the ‘Home’ image in the tool bar at the top of the screen.
The News Feed appears on the ‘Home’ screen of the app (under the photo of your child/ren).
Logging in and out of the app will fix this issue. To log out, choose ‘Switch Accounts’ from the menu and then press and hold on the account displayed. A pop-up box will appear prompting you to remove the account. To log back in, click the “+” button to add your account.
When you tap on an attachment in the Compass app, a ‘radio’ button (circle) appears to the right indicating that the file is in the process of opening/downloading – it will then open automatically. If you tap on the radio button while it is in the process of opening, a ‘download’ error will occur.
Online Consent/Payment
When an event requires consent/payment, an alert will appear at the top of the News Feed – click on the alert and follow the prompts.
IF NECESSARY, you can enter any additional/current information and different Parent/Guardian contact details before you ‘Submit Details’.
If payment is required for a specific event/excursion, a payment section will appear for you to enter your credit card details – payment AND consent will then be processed in the one action and a receipt will be emailed to you.
If consent/payment is NOT received by the due date, you will no longer be able to provide online consent/payment and your child will be unable to participate/attend.
You can view your child’s events at any time by hovering over the Organisation menu (grid icon) in the Compass navigation bar and selecting ‘Events’ – direct link: https://beaumarisnorthps-vic.compass.education/Organise/Activities/Events/
The green ‘Complete [See Details]’ button on the ‘Events’ page indicates that you have provided consent/payment for a particular event. If you click on the blue title of the ‘Event’ (left-hand column), the details of the event are revealed along with any attachments in the ‘Resources’ section at the bottom of the screen.
Learning Tasks
You will be notified via the Compass News Feed when feedback on a ‘Learning Task’ is available.
To access via your BROWSER (on your desktop computer or mobile device):
- Login to Compass and click on ‘Profile – Attendance, Schedule, Reports’ (next to your child’s photo).
- Click on the ‘Learning Tasks’ tab.
- Click on the appropriate task and select the ‘FEEDBACK’ tab.
To access via the Compass APP:
- Open the app and tap on your child’s name/photo (top of the ‘Home’ screen).
- Tap on ‘Tasks’ (in the task bar at the top of the screen).
- Tap on the appropriate task and select the ‘FEEDBACK’ tab.
The date Learning Task Feedback is made available will appear after the name of the Learning Task as follows:
Mathematics: Measurement and Geometry – 28/07/2017
If there is no date at the end of the Learning Task name, feedback is not yet available and the task has simply been listed for your information.
Learning Tasks appear in the order they were created within each subject and subjects are listed in alphabetical order.
Semester Reports
Click on ‘View Academic Reports’ from the homepage (browser version) or tap on your child’s photo in the app, select the ‘Reports’ tab and then the report you wish to view/download.
Via your BROWSER (on your desktop computer or mobile device):
- Click on ‘View Academic Reports’ (from the homepage).
- Click on the appropriate Report and then ‘OK’ and wait for it to appear (this may take a minute or so).
- Click on ‘open’ (or ‘save’) and then print as per any PDF.
Via the Compass APP:
- Tap on your child’s photo and select the ‘Reports’ tab.
- Tap on the appropriate Report and wait for it to appear (this may take a minute or so).
- Tap on the ‘send to’ icon and select ‘Print’ or ‘iCloud Drive’ etc.
School Calendar
To view the School Calendar (by day, week or month) access the browser version of Compass. From the Main Menu (tool bar at the top of the screen), select the ‘Calendar’ image (next to the ‘Home’ image).
- If you ‘hover’ over a calendar entry, more information is revealed e.g. venue.
- Click on the colour-coded tabs to hide/reveal layers in the calendar.
- The calendar can be viewed by ‘week’ or ‘month’ – just click on your preference (top right of the screen).
- Items that appear at the top of the calendar are either ‘all day’ events or times are yet to be confirmed.
The daily School Calendar for your child/year level can be accessed via the app by tapping on your child’s photo to reveal the ‘Dashboard’. Tap on the calendar button (bottom of the screen) to change the date as required if you would like to look ahead!
- If you tap on the menu icon in the app, there is an option to ‘Open in Browser’ which will enable you to view the School Calendar by week or month.
9.00AM – Start of the school day
06GEN – Year 6, General
06B – Class 6B
SLC2 – Student Learning Centre, Room 2
BAD – First 3 letters of the teacher’s surname
This information is used for roll marking purposes (in Secondary Schools it is used more specifically to indicate different periods).
In the Calendar Module (accessed from the tool bar at the top of the screen in the browser version of Compass), you can click on your child/ren’s name to hide this information for easier viewing of school events/activities.
Parent-Teacher Interview Bookings
When ‘Meet & Greet’ opportunities and Parent-Teacher Interviews are available for booking, you will be notified via email and instructions will be posted to the Compass News Feed.
Login details are emailed to new families once they have enrolled at BNPS. If you have not received your Login Details, please email:
All student photos are updated annually following School Photo day. Your child’s photo will not appear if your child was not present for School Photos or if your child is in Prep and school photos haven’t been taken/received.
Upon first log in you will be prompted to update this information. You can update this information at any time by accessing Tools (cog at the top right of the screen) > Update My Details (only available in the browser version).
Yes, go to: Settings (for your device) > Notifications > Compass and make sure that ‘Notifications’ are turned on. If ‘Notifications’ are turned on but push notifications are not coming through, delete the Compass app and then reinstall (search ‘Compass School Manager’).
To log out, choose ‘Switch Accounts’ from the menu and then press and hold on the account displayed. A pop-up box will appear prompting you to remove the account. To log back in, click the “+” button to add your account.
In the browser version of Compass, click on the cog (top right) > Change My Password.
Please email beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au to request a password reset.