- Attend Meet & Greet opportunites, Parent-Teacher Interviews, Student Led Conferences and Open Classrooms
- Attend Parent Education/Information Sessions
- Attend Parents & Friends and Fathers’ Activity Club meetings and events
- Make appointments as necessary to discuss any concerns
- Assist with Classroom programs, Learning Centre Tasks, Bike Education, Excursions, Fete and School Concert
- Submit comments about your child/ren’s Semester Report
- Read ALL school communication e.g. School Newsletters, Compass News Feed and notes sent home via the green reading/multi purpose bag
- Familiarise yourself with our staff and their names (see photo board in foyer) and participate in informal opportunities to talk and get to know all school staff
- Reinforce school rules and expectations at home
- Show your child how much you value school and learning
- Encourage and support your child to serve in student leadership positions
- Share your family’s practices relating to culture and values with us
- Notify teachers of any significant changes that have taken place in your child’s life
- Visit our website regularly, in particular our A-Z index for everything you need to know about BNPS!
- Learn about school policies and practices
- Take advantage of resources offered at the school e.g. Wellbeing Resources
- Attend events and performances such as Carols, Concerts, Fete, Sports Days and Whole school assembly
- Serve on school committees: Parents & Friends, Fathers’ Activity Club, School Council and Fete Committee
- Volunteer (where you can) for Uniform Shop, Head Hunters Program, Sports Days, Canteen and Class Representatives Program
- Respond to school surveys regarding your interests, skills and opinions and providing feedback
- Participate in Social and Fundraising Events
- Provide a talking point to interact with your child by employing the learning strategies in our ‘How You Can Help Your Child at Home brochure‘
- Provide encouragement and praise for your child’s efforts
Please note that anyone wishing to volunteer at BNPS is required to provide a Working with Children Check (WCC).