A - Z Parent Guide
Student Support Group Meetings
When a parent/guardian/carer seeks to enrol a child with a disability into a school, the Principal provides them with information about specific support available to facilitate the student’s participation in the school’s education program.
It is the responsibility of the Principal to facilitate the collaborative processes of the Student Support Group by offering support to all members and ensuring their participation. For this to occur, the Principal may enlist the support of an interpreter, advocate or other organisations providing support (where appropriate).
The Principal or Principal’s nominee shall convene and chair Student Support Group meetings on a regular basis, at least once per term. The Principal ensures that accurate records of the Student Support Group meetings are kept and provided to all members.
The aims of the Student Support Group are to:
- ensure that those with the most knowledge of, and responsibility for the student, work together to establish shared goals for the student’s educational future
- plan reasonable adjustments for the student to access the curriculum and participate in their education
- provide educational planning that is ongoing throughout the student’s school life
- monitor the progress of the student.
A Student Support Group is to consist of:
- the parent/guardian/carer(s) of the student;
- a parent/guardian/carer(s)’ advocate (where chosen by the parent/guardian/carer(s));
- a teacher (primary) or teacher(s) nominated as having responsibility for the student (secondary);
- the principal or nominee (to act as chairperson); and
- the student (where appropriate).