A - Z Parent Guide
Yard Duty
Staff exercise a great amount of care when supervising students within the school grounds. Teaching staff supervise the grounds during lunch and recess breaks, and are on duty from 8.45-9.00am before school and from 3.30-3.45pm after school. The school does NOT provide formal supervision for children who are on the premises before 8.45am, or after 3.45pm.
Parents are responsible for their children when they are in the school ground beyond the duty hours of teachers. Please carefully supervise your children on play equipment at this time to prevent injury. See Playing in the School Grounds
After dismissal, all students are expected to leave the school premises immediately. Teachers supervise the gate areas from 3.30-3.45pm when all children should have either left to walk home or have been collected by their parent/carer. After this time and any child who has not been collected by a parent/carer, must go to the Office. It is expected that children are collected as close to 3.30pm as possible. In case of an emergency, please inform the Office of alternative arrangements.
See Arrival Time and Procedure, Late Collection and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).