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Enrolment & Transition

Transition - Kinder to Prep

Please CLICK/TAP HERE for the 2024 Prep Information Booklet.

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Please CLICK/TAP HERE to register your details if you would like to commence the enrolment process.

Communication with Kindergartens

Transition to school for new Prep students is supported by the whole school community. Members of the Prep Transition Committee communicate closely with the local feeder kindergartens and childcare agencies and ensure all Transition Statements are obtained and passed on to the relevant teachers. This communication ensures that relevant information is exchanged to maximise student readiness and facilitates the placement of Prep students into classes. At the end of the school year, members from the Prep Transition Committee visit local kindergartens to discuss the individual needs for all enrolled students.

Buddy Program

A buddy system is in place to assist the new Prep students to settle into the school routine in a caring and supportive way. The children are introduced to their Year 5 buddies during Transition activities in Term 4. The buddies are available during the first few weeks of Term 1 to assist the Preps with finding friends to play with and generally providing support. They continue this friendship throughout the year and participate in a number of designated ‘buddy’ activities.

New Prep parents are also assigned a buddy (an existing BNPS parent with a child starting in Prep) to make new parents feel supported and welcome. 

Designated Play Area

Prep students are supervised closely in a designated play area at both recess and lunch. This creates a safe, caring and supportive environment for the Preps as they become familiar with new school routines.