A - Z Parent Guide
eSmart is a guiding framework for schools to implement a whole-school culture and behaviour change relevant to the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technologies.
eSmart helps teachers, students and the whole school community embrace the benefits of technology and reduce exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyber bullying, identity theft, online predators and inappropriate images and content. Funded by the Victorian Government, eSmart is an initiative of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity committed to protecting children from violence. Registration as an eSmart School provides us with assurance that we are accessing evidence-informed practice, policies and activities.
Beaumaris North Primary School became an official eSmart school in February 2014. Since we first registered with the program, we have introduced many new policies and activities to improve the way our school manages cybersafety, bullying and cyberbullying. We feel confident our students, staff and the wider school community are now well supported to be smart, safe and responsible users of digital technology.
We encourage everyone in the school community to continue to uphold and promote eSmart behaviours, at school and at home. If you are aware of any incidents of bullying, cyberbullying or risky online behaviour, please contact the Principal or our eSmart coordinator.
For more information, please visit the eSmart website.
Cyber Safety Project
This year Beaumaris North Primary School is proudly partnering with the Cyber Safety Project to facilitate cyber safety education across our whole school community, including students, staff and parents. Students will uncover the risks of learning, connecting and playing online. They will be empowered to navigate the online world as safe, independent and responsible digital citizens.
“The Cyber Safety Project’s mission is to provide a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using digital technologies for work, life and play.’ (Cyber Safety Project)
Our educators are equipped with a sequenced cyber safety curriculum mapped to the Victorian framework, which underpins key values for a strong foundation for online safety and digital wellbeing.
The Cyber Safety Project is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider. To further support cyber safety education at home, you can find helpful online home safety guides, conversation checklists and resources for creating a safe digital environment at home via cybersafetyproject.com.au

Additional online safety support resources:
- Report online harms including cyber bullying, image-based abuse or illegal and harmful content – eSafety.gov.au
- Report child exploitation material to the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation – accce.gov.au
- If your child is immediate danger call 000.
Each year level partakes in 16 lessons throughout the year which cover the themes of Responsibility, Empathy, Integrity and Strength. As part of the program the students also participate in a yearly incursion presented by members from the Cyber Safety Project. These sessions are then enhanced by teacher workshops and parent webinars that provide additional resources for our families at home.
Student eSmart Agreement
All parents and students from Prep to Year 6 are required to complete an annual online Agreement via Compass prior to using any ICT (computers, internet and portable devices) at BNPS.
The Student eSmart Agreement outlines the appropriate and safe use of computers, Internet and portable devices at Beaumaris North Primary School and reinforces the cybersafety training that occurs throughout the school. The eSmart Agreement should be read and discussed in conjunction with the BNPS eSmart Policy and BNPS eSmart Use of ICT Guidelines.
eSmart Policy and Use of ICT Guidelines
The eSmart policy relates to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at Beaumaris North Primary School. There are an accompanying set of guidelines for the smart, safe and responsible use of ICT at BNPS. These documents outline the school’s policies on such ICT issues as bringing personal electronic devices to school and student and staff obligations when using ICT at school. ALL parents and students should be familiar with these documents.
BNPS eSmart Use of ICT Guidelines
eSmart Captains
Two eSmart Captains are elected annually from the Year Six cohort.
See Leadership Program.