A - Z Parent Guide
Essential Agreements
BNPS Playground Essential Agreement
Beaumaris North Primary School is committed to ensuring that everyone is treated with respect, fairness and dignity. All employees, students, parents and visitors in the school are expected to act accordingly. We expect all members of our school community to adhere to our School Values, policies and procedures.
In a PYP School, every class, every team and at times the whole school develop an essential agreement, which sets the tone for collaboration and teamwork. Everyone works collaboratively to establish an agreement of how the class/team/school will function. Each class develops a Classroom Essential agreement at the commencement of the school year.
The 2019 Student Voice Team worked together to develop a new agreement on the way we should behave in the playground. They interviewed teachers on yard duty, students in classes and also discussed the IB Learner Profile attributes. They decided that photos would be the best way to illustrate the booklet.
At Beaumaris North Primary School we strive to play:
- Safely
- Responsibly
- With Respect
by demonstrating the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.
The following Essential Agreement was developed in consultation with teachers, students and the school community and encompasses the five School Values rated as the most important by the whole school community in the following statement:
We will CARE for others, showing EMPATHY, compassion and RESPECT towards the needs and feelings of others. We will show RESPONSIBILITY to our own learning and belongings, displaying self-discipline and commitment. We will show TRUST acting with integrity, honesty and a strong sense of fairness.
This Agreement is displayed prominently throughout the school along with the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Attitudes and Learner Profile.
BNPS is continually working towards achieving a positive school environment which aims to provide safety, security and support for students. Our shared expectations are intended to support individual students and families that come to our school community from a diversity of backgrounds, communities and experiences.
The school aims to provide a happy and supportive learning environment where students, parents, teachers and the community share a commitment to the mission and philosophy of the school. They all have a sense of ownership and responsibility for its implementation. They work together to achieve common goals.
The staff of BNPS has a high commitment to student learning and the overall goals and priorities of the school. They enjoy their profession, work as a supportive unit and believe strongly in professional growth.
Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities. This collaborative approach with teachers fosters positive attitudes to learning.
See Essential Agreement on Behaviour at Assembly and Complaints Policy.