On Site Attendance 13-17 July
UPDATE: Applications for on site care for the extended holiday period have now closed. Thank you for lodging your form in the required time to apply for on site care for Term 3 – Week 1 (13th – 17th July). A place has been reserved for your child(ren).
This program will operate from the OSHC room where temperature checks will be taken prior to entering the room. An attendance roll will be taken after this process.
This week the Premier and the State Government announced that there will be five Student-Free days from the 13th-17th July. Our staff will be working onsite next week to prepare for whatever the next stages of Term 3 maybe. This will be determined by the Victorian Chief Medical Officer.
During the extended week of holidays additional support maybe needed for families of Essential Workers and Vulnerable children.
If you require care for your child/ren please complete the form as soon as possible and return to the school email by 12 noon Saturday 11th July, 2020.
Children in the “care” program will be required to bring their lunch, snacks and water for the day.
This care will be provided by our OSHC Program commencing at 9am and concluding at 3.30pm. There will be no financial cost to families requiring care within these hours but if care is required beyond the school day OSHC fees will be charged.
Temperature checks will be introduced daily. If a student has a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or above, parents will be contacted and the child must return home.