There are two ‘Kiss N Go’ zones on Wood Street (from the corner of Reserve Road to the school crossing and from the school crossing to sign posted area) where parents can quickly drop and collect their children WITHIN A TWO MINUTE TIME FRAME. This is NOT a parking area – you are not allowed to park for extended periods (no longer than two minutes), double park or go into school. You may get out of your car (within a two minute time frame) but if you need to walk your child in or spend more time at school, you must park in one of the surrounding streets, in a legal parking area (and not over driveways).
The times of operation for the two minute parking bays (as reflected by the signage) are 8.30am-9.15am and 3.00pm-4.00pm on school days. The Bayside City Council By-laws Officers visit our school on a regular basis and issue fines to those who do not comply with these regulations. We also encourage all families to contact Bayside Council if you have a traffic complaint on 9599 4444.
Please help us to keep our streets safe, by not causing congestion in the area of our school crossing. This area is for the convenience of our whole school population – please think of others when you use this facility.