A - Z Parent Guide
Cyber Safety
Beaumaris North Primary School runs a Cyber Safety program to educate children on the correct use of technology. We understand that the Internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences, but we also understand that it gives access to information on computers around that world that we cannot control – some information may be illegal, dangerous or offensive. Whilst teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information should depend finally upon responsible use by students. Students must agree to follow all teacher instructions regarding the use of the Internet and a list of rules covered in an ‘Internet Code of Conduct Student Agreement’.
Internet Code of Conduct Parent/Student Agreements
During the enrolment process, parents and students are required to consider and complete ‘The Internet Code of Conduct Parent/Student Agreements’ authorisation forms. Students who break these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school which may include loss of Internet access for some time.
Student eSmart Agreement
See eSmart.
Social Networking
Most social networking and chat/instant messaging sites and applications have a legal requirement for users to be 13 years of age. This means that NO BNPS student should be using Facebook, Kik Messenger, WhatsApp, Ask.fm, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, MySpace, Bebo, Instagram or the multitude of other similar sites/apps. Sites such as Ask.fm and Tumblr allow users to post anonymous questions or comments and due to the anonymity, have been used for cyber bullying, harassment and sexual exploitation.
We ask that ALL families review their home practices in relation to the use of portable devices, particularly Apple devices. Our teachers in the senior school are constantly receiving information from parents about students using the ‘imessage’ facility on their Apple devices. As many students’ devices are connected through their parents email addresses, which we suggest should be the case; parents are also receiving message threads, often at inappropriate hours of the night. The latest research suggests that students’ sleep can be negatively affected using these devices before bed.
It is recommended that devices be turned off an hour before bed, and devices kept and used in communal family areas only. This ensures that children get a good night’s sleep, and also prevents students from using messaging facilities at inappropriate times.