A - Z Parent Guide
Dogs in the School Grounds
Dogs are NOT permitted on the school oval at all between the hours of 7.30am and 6.00pm (when our students are in attendance and when our Outside School Hours Care program is operating) – even if they are on a leash. Dogs are allowed to run on the oval (on or off leash) BEFORE 7.30am and AFTER 6.00pm ONLY.
Dogs ARE permitted in other areas of the school grounds during the above mentioned times but MUST be kept on a hand-held leash.
- Only adults are permitted to be in charge of dogs on school premises and they must be responsible for their dog at all times which means making sure the dog is kept a safe distance away from students (including line-up areas) and other dogs in the school ground.
- Dogs are NOT permitted to be tied up and left unattended.
- Owners are kindly asked to ensure that their dog does not disrupt Assembly.
- It is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their dog (and remove from school property).
If dog owners are not responsible for their dogs, we will be forced to ban all dogs in the school grounds.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.