A - Z Parent Guide
Schools’ Privacy Policy
The Schools’ Privacy Policy informs the school community that information about students can be shared to fulfil the schools’ core functions of educating and supporting our students. The Schools’ Privacy Policy establishes a clarified ‘need to know’ framework, where school staff share information about students with other staff who need to know as part of their role. This is consistent with Victorian privacy law. See also:
Information Privacy
All persons using the Beaumaris North Primary School facility are subject to the provisions of the Information Privacy Act 2000 and Health Records Act 2001. Specifically this means that personal or health information of students or staff displayed or located in this facility has been collected for the purposes of the school. These purposes include the care of students and the efficient management of school services which are carried out by designated persons.
No person is to disclose information obtained in this facility and covered under these Acts for non-school purposes without the written consent of the Principal.
See BNPS Information Privacy Policy and Visitors & Volunteers
Publishing My Child’s Work
During the enrolment process, parents are required to consider and complete a ‘Publishing My Child’s Work’ authorisation form to indicate if they are happy for BNPS to publish their child’s work (using the child’s first name and year level only) in School Newsletters on the BNPS website and in the Parent Portal, Compass.
Appearing in Photos or Videos
Under the Information Privacy Act 2000, schools have a duty to protect the interests of the individual with regard to their personal information and respect the individual’s right to control how their personal information is used, and for what purposes. Personal information is information that identifies a person. A photograph, video or digital image of a student is personal information about that student.
During the enrolment process, parents are required to consider and complete an ‘Appearing in Photos or Videos’ permission form to indicate if they are happy for their child to appear in photographs and/or videos on the BNPS website and in the Parent Portal, Compass.
In general, BNPS student images are used to:
- Record student participation at school and in school events.
- Celebrate student effort and achievement.
- Promote the school and events held by the school.
Please note that if you do not give your child permission to appear in photos or videos, your child will not be allowed to get into small or large group shots or video presentations at school or on excursions. As a result, staff may need to remind your child/ren to move out of camera range.
No photographer may take a photo of an individual, for non-school application, without a specifically signed confidentiality deed prior to the event and authorised by the Principal or their agent.
When it is practical and appropriate the school will endeavour to record events that occur utilising approved photographers (professionals, staff and students). Any approved individual taking images or recordings may only do so for school purposes. No other individual has permission to take any form of image or recording of a student whilst involved in a school activity.