A - Z Parent Guide
Excursions and Incursions
Your child will participate in many excursions and incursions throughout their time at Beaumaris North Primary School. Excursions and incursions are designed to stimulate and motivate learning and are a highlight for many students. Parent volunteers are often invited to attend excursions.
Notification of excursions and incursions requiring online consent/payment are posted to the Compass News Feed. The online form includes details of the excursion/incursion (including date/s), destination, transport method, adult responsible and the cost.
Please note that payment must be received before consent can be provided.
Students must be dressed in full school uniform when attending excursions. Students are seen as ambassadors for our school and dressing neatly reflects a sense of pride as well as making it easier to identify our students.
The cost of the extra-curricular Excursions and Incursions that occur during the year are covered by the Key Experiences Contribution – most families pay this in full. If you have NOT paid the Key Experiences Charge (or the activity requires separate payment), a payment section will appear for you to enter your credit card details – payment AND consent will then be processed in the one action and a receipt will be emailed to you. Please note that if consent/payment is not received by the due date, your child will be unable to participate/attend.
As always if you are experiencing financial difficulty please contact the Office BEFORE the event.