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BEET Program

The BNPS Extension, Enrichment and Talent Program (BEET) is operating for students in Year 3 & 4 in 2024. This program is run by Mrs Pam Collins in  the Science Room.

In these BEET Mathematics sessions, students work in small groups, in pairs or independently, finding solutions to problems using a range of strategies and thinking skills. They are encouraged to persist and explore all possibilities when faced with problems that require ‘thinking outside the box’.

Selected students in Years 3 & 4 explore areas of mathematics beyond the Year Level curriculum. The program offers opportunities for students to expand their knowledge across many areas of Mathematics. The focus is on the strategies used to solve a problem and developing logical thought. Some sessions involve students working collaboratively in a hands-on way exploring STEM-related activities that require reasoning, creative and investigative skills.

Extension Mathematics

All students participate in differentiated Mathematics programs across their year level, extension programs tend to focus on developing thinking and metacognition skills, higher order thinking problems and strategies, and advanced mathematics (relevant to each cohort).

Maths Olympiad

Year 5 and 6 students have the opportunity to participate in Maths Olympiad and other inter-school based Maths challenges throughout the year. The main aims of the Olympiad Program are to:

  • Introduce students to important mathematical concepts
  • Teach major strategies and develop flexibility for problem solving
  • Foster creativity and ingenuity and strengthen intuition
  • Stimulate enthusiasm and enjoyment of mathematics
  • Provide for the satisfaction, joy and thrill of meeting challenges

Victorian Higher Ability Program

Students in Year 5 and 6 may also be selected for the Victorian Higher Ability Program (VHAP) delivered by the Department of Education. This program runs each term and consists of ten-week online courses in Mathematics and English. Students engage in synchronous Webex classes with their teachers. They can also engage with the course material online outside of the class time.

Emerging Sciences Victoria

Year 6 students who excel in Maths and Science also have the opportunity to participate in the John Monash Science School’s Emerging Science Victoria Program (ESV). Broadcast from a purpose-built studio on the campus of John Monash Science School, ESV makes it possible for students in Victoria to access specialised STEM subjects through a virtual classroom. This program is delivered in line with Year 9 and Year 10 curriculum.

Offering a range of subjects developed in collaboration with Monash University, students study as individuals and small groups and receive a mid-way progress report, full report and certificate upon successful completion.