Extra-curricular Activities - Lunch Clubs
Lunch Clubs are particularly appreciated by those students who find navigating the playground a little overwhelming. Some students struggle with the lack of structure in the playground and prefer activities that are guided by a teacher. Other students may find it difficult to initiate or maintain friendships or may be interested in quieter activities not usually available outside. Friendships blossom between children who find a common interest, and who they may not otherwise have met. Bringing students together from all year levels also supports buddy friendships and social groups.
The programs are organised and supervised by staff who generously share their expertise (and forego their lunch break!) to make Lunch Clubs a fun and valuable experience for students.
Lunch Clubs run in Terms 2 & 3 from 2 – 2.30pm on various days. The Clubs on offer in the current year are published in the School Newsletter and on Compass and an announcement is made over the Public Address system before each session is about to commence.
General Lunch Club
Open to all students
Construction, drawing/colouring, craft and board games!
Specialty Clubs
Open to Years 3 – 6
‘Specialty Clubs’ vary from year to year and may include:
Specialty Clubs
Chess | Circus |
Cross Stitch | Drama |
Knitting | Mandala |
Othello | Sewing |
The Library is also open one lunchtime per week from 2.00 – 2.30pm for quiet reading, borrowing and drawing.