In 1953, with the rapid development of the area and the threat of overcrowding at Beaumaris and Black Rock Primary Schools, the Education Department bought about three hectares of low-lying, swampy, snake-infested, tea tree scrub. It was drained and filled and the copperheads had left by 1958 when the builder started.
In February 1959, 300 students occupied the eight classrooms. In 1961 and 1963, rooms were added to cope with the growing population.
In 2009, Beaumaris North Primary School was successful in Round One of the Primary Schools for the 21st Century element of the Australian Government’s $14.7 billion Building Education Revolution (BER) for a $3,000.000 for a new state of the art learning environment. As a result our Senior Learning Centre was officially opened on Wednesday 3 November 2010. We were also successful in the second round of the National School Pride (NSP) program in 2009 and as a result, received $200,000 for refurbishment and repair of our existing buildings.