School Council:
- Sets the broad direction and vision for the school
- Leads school community conversations about key issues and challenges in education
- Determines priorities
- Prepares and endorses the school’s strategic plan
- Ensures that an Annual Report is made available to the school community
- Develops, reviews and updates policies
- Ensures all money coming into the hands of the Council is properly expended for purposes related to the school
- Arranges for the supply of goods, services, facilities, materials and equipment that are required for the conduct of the school
- Exercises a general oversight of the buildings and grounds ensuring that they are kept in good order and condition
- Regulates and facilitates the after-hours use of school premises and grounds
- Provides for cleaning and sanitary services
- Ensures that the school is responsive to the needs of the local community.
Every three or four years the school undergoes a Department of Education and Training (DET) School Self Evaluation (SSE). Our School Strategic Plan is developed following our SSE and an Annual Implementation Plan is written to set guidelines for the year’s Curriculum and to direct the work of the Leadership Team, staff and School Council.
Our School Council makes a very significant contribution to the school by managing our Uniform Shop, Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), Canteen and special subcommittees as required e.g. Fete. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month during the school year and our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held annually in March (public meeting).
A document outlining the specific roles and responsibilities of School Council is available at the Office.