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About Us

Our Facilities


Our Amphitheatre provides a space for students to perform, seating for viewing sporting activities and can also be used as an outdoor learning space.


Art Room

Our Art Room has a roofed outdoor work area and is equipped with art tables, a kiln and an extensive range of equipment.

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BBQ Area

Constructed by our Fathers’ Activity Club, the undercover BBQ area is used for various fundraising/social events and for sausage sizzles at the completion of working bees!

BBQ area

Bike Shed

A bike shed is available (entry via McDonald Street) to secure the bicycles of children who ride to and from school.


Bike Shed 1


The Canteen provides a lunch order service and over-the-counter sales at recess/play lunch and lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.



First Aid Room

A First Aid Room is available for administering First Aid for students, staff and on occasions, parents and siblings.


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Flexible Learning Environments

All year levels have open learning spaces which allows for flexibility in teaching and learning and we focus on differentiating the Curriculum for each of our students.


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Information Technology

All classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards that cater for the many different learning styles of our children. Laptops are timetabled for use by the whole school and are paired with portable hardware such as digital cameras, printers, scanners, video cameras, microphones and webcams. See ICT Program.


Language Room

In our Language Room, students develop Japanese language skills and an understanding of Japanese culture through a variety of activities such as language games, origami, songs, cooking and Japanese video/DVDs.




We have a well-stocked Library with a Public Access System (online catalogue) and an interactive whiteboard.



Music Room

Our Music Room is fully equipped with an extensive range of instruments to support our Music program.



Outside School Hours Care

An Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program operates before and after school –  whole days are offered when the school has a student-free day. The Program is run in various spaces throughout the school including the Art Room, Library, Music Room, Science Room and the outdoor areas of the school including the oval and playgrounds.


Play Equipment

Our playgrounds ensure our children have opportunities every day to connect with their natural environment, climb, run, discover, explore, create and imagine. We have various playgrounds to cater for all age groups and abilities including:

  • Rope play structure (between OSHC and the Art Room)
  • Playground equipment (near the Library)
  • Friendship table (near Art Room)
  • Climbing equipment (around the oval)

Shade sails and trees provide shade in these areas.


School Grounds

The school grounds provide an aesthetically pleasing learning environment with large open spaces for recreational activities. There is a mix of spaces that cater for both passive and active recreation by students in all year levels and separate areas are set aside for use by junior and senior students. Outdoor seating areas provide the perfect place for students to eat their lunch and enjoy more passive activities. Our Playscape Project and Art Program has brought some fabulous artistic adornment to our school buildings and grounds.

  • Large grassed oval
  • Ashphalt multicourt
  • Synthetic turf court
  • Synthetic grass area
  • Rotunda
  • Rebound wall
  • Asphalt areas

Science Room

Our Science room is used by all classes and the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) component of the BEET Program.


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Senior Learning Centre

Our Senior Learning Centre (Year 5 & 6) has six classrooms, library and media facilities together with meeting and student withdrawal spaces.  The classrooms have:

  • ICT enriched components with zones for one to one, small group and large group teaching spaces.
  • Learning spaces that flow from an internal to external learning court and a wet area.
  • Extensive glazing for natural light, visual connectedness and passive supervision.

The library and learning resource centre allows for:

  • Online research and learning
  • Zones for AV editing
  • Resource storage and display
  • Presentation and performance space and
  • Small group project, games and collaborative space
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Slide 65

Sports Shed and Equipment

We have a well-stocked sports shed to support the wide range of sporting opportunities that students are exposed to at Beaumaris North Primary School.


Sports Shed 1

Undercover Area

Also known as Sherril’s Shed, the large undercover area (located between the two main buildings) is used for whole school assemblies, sporting activities and social events. It also provides cover for our students during recess/play lunch and lunchtime.


Remembrance Day

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop (located in the Breezeway), provides good quality, reasonably priced uniforms to our school families.


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Wellbeing Centre

The Wellbeing Centre is used for individual counselling and support for students and staff – it contains loads of great resources!


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