Our Literacy program consists of many facets including word study, spelling, writing, comprehension and guided reading. During our guided reading sessions the children are placed into differentiated groups to complete a variety of activities and have the chance to read a novel with their group and with a teacher. Our writing sessions focus on the various genres such as Persuasive text, Recount, Information Reports and Narrative. We also look at the various poetry styles including Haiku, Cinquain and Alliteration.
During our Numeracy sessions the children are placed into differentiated groups to cater for their specific needs. These sessions focus on a great deal of number work and problem solving. We also cover several applied numeracy topics such as time, money, volume, mass, area etc. We will also be focusing on a different times table fortnightly. During class time we will conduct several quizzes and play games based on the times table focus for the week.